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Ancient Quantum Technology

I was recently asked whether ancient man, stone circle creator, was capable of building structures that worked on a quantum, multidimensional level, and there are in reality at least two answers.

Firstly, we have an accepted way of thinking that implies a certain linearity to advances in technology and scientific understanding. For example conventional thought dictates that the Wright Brothers initiated the first flight of an airplane on 17th December, 1903.
Saqqara Glider
And yet the so called saqqara glider, a model slightly under 6 inches long and made of light sycamore wood with holes for feathers, the model of which will fly when it is thrown, was discovered in Egypt in 1898 and has been dated at over 2,200 years old!
According to most historians the battery was invented in 1800 by the Count Alassandro Volta, however, in 1938 German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig discovered a jar with a iron rod poking through its stopper at a place called Khujut Rabu, just outside Baghdad.
After World War II an American, Willard F. M. Gray of the General Electric High Voltage Laboratory in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, built some reproductions and discovered that when filled with an electrolyte like grape juice, the devices produced between one and a half and two volts. The jar itself was again dated at a little over 2000 years old!
Baghdad Battery
Spiral Shaped Objects Found In The Eastern Urals

On the left is an example of the strange, often spiral shaped objects found in the eastern Urals.
Since 1991 more and more of these objects have been found in the region.
Often microscopically small ( The size of these things ranges from a maximum of 3 cm (1.2 in.) down to an incredible 0.003 mm, about 1/10,000th of an inch) they are made principally of tungsten, molybdenum, and copper.
From their orientation these layers can be dated to 100,000 years!

Owens Dry Lake Geode
This geode, found near the top of a 4300-foot mountain overlooking Owens Dry Lake, has a metal core about .08 inch (2 mm) in diameter in its middle. The core is encircled by what appears to be a ceramic cylinder. The core and cylinder are in turn encased in a sleeve of petrified wood. Around this is the geode itself, consisting of hardened clay, pebbles, pieces of fossil shell and two nonmagnetic metal objects that resemble a nail and a washer. A fragment of copper between the ceramic and petrified wood indicates at they may once have been separated by a now decomposed copper sleeve.
Studies of the X-rays of the geode have drawn similarities between this device and a spark plug, except that based on the fossils in the geode, it is estimated to be 500,000 years old!
Owens Dry Lake Geode - X ray Plate 1 Owens Dry Lake Geode - X ray Plate 2

Secondly, if these finds, and there are many, many more, don't suggest that mankind had a grasp of what we would call advanced technology 500,000 years ago, then in a quantum sense, it doesn't really matter if mankind were to understand the science behind such technology.

That he understood the placement of stones within a circle, cluster or avenue with respect to their relative position to the stars, planets, sun and moon is undisputed, as is the importance of such placement with regards to time and distance calculations ie where and when you are in the 'real world'

Beyond that the resultant energetic responses in these sacred places have been measured and studied by many illustrious and credited scientists since at least the inception of The Dragon Project in 1977, and even trial and error would show to any would be 'energetic structure' creator where to place the componant parts for maximum effect on anyone or thing within, and indeed on the outside of these spaces.

So, what was the effect of creating these structures that would manifest a resultant, resonant, standing wave patern of energies, what exactly are these energies, and why were they aligned to the stars and planets?

The answer to these questions, together with the quantum implications can be found in Dragons and Rings: Sacred Geometry meets quantum physics: A DVD by Steve Mitchell

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