Ancient Quantum Technology I was recently asked whether ancient man, stone circle creator, was capable of building structures that worked on a quantum, multidimensional level, and there are in reality at least two answers.
Secondly, if these finds, and there are many, many more, don't suggest that mankind had a grasp of what we would call advanced technology 500,000 years ago, then in a quantum sense, it doesn't really matter if mankind were to understand the science behind such technology. That he understood the placement of stones within a circle, cluster or avenue with respect to their relative position to the stars, planets, sun and moon is undisputed, as is the importance of such placement with regards to time and distance calculations ie where and when you are in the 'real world' Beyond that the resultant energetic responses in these sacred places have been measured and studied by many illustrious and credited scientists since at least the inception of The Dragon Project in 1977, and even trial and error would show to any would be 'energetic structure' creator where to place the componant parts for maximum effect on anyone or thing within, and indeed on the outside of these spaces. So, what was the effect of creating these structures that would manifest a resultant, resonant, standing wave patern of energies, what exactly are these energies, and why were they aligned to the stars and planets? The answer to these questions, together with the quantum implications can be found in Dragons and Rings: Sacred Geometry meets quantum physics: A DVD by Steve Mitchell |